
This site is mostly about the things that i used for making it for now but not exclusively. It can expand to similar stuff often enough and not so similar things less often...

Techno side

  • Laravel: that's the core of the website and the rest is build upon it.
  • TailwindCSS: integrated with Laravel if used sail for setting up a new project.
  • AlpineJS: integrated too if used sail.
  • Livewire: Full Stack complement for Laravel meant to add more dynamic content (it use Javascript behind the scene)
  • Docker: Virtual machine; a necessity for setting up a Laravel project using sail

Software side

  • Visual Studio Code: A nice lightweight (kind of) and extensible editor for web development and more.
  • Command Line: With any terminal editor; sometime a simple command in a terminal is faster than anything else.
  • Apostrophe: A markdown editor i use for writing articles of the site which is imported afterward.

Other side

All of that running on Linux, more precisely Debian, a well known distribution who had prove itself with xmonad as the Window Manager (a tiling one to be exact).

© 2021 Hugues DATIN